Helping our parks: Volunteer at Candlestick or China Camp
As any California outdoorsy type knows by now, our state parks (and the rest of the state for that matter) are in grave financial trouble. So bad, in fact, that more than 50 of them are scheduled to close this summer, down from the original 70. While there are last-minute efforts underway to minimize the remaining planned closures, the reality is that our parks need our help to stay alive now and beyond the looming July 1 closure date.
The non-profit California State Parks Foundation is working with the California State Parks to help provide volunteer labor for trail maintenance. There are two upcoming opportunities next week in the Bay Area: Thursday, May 31 at Candlestick Point and Friday, June 1 at China Camp.
Learn more and sign up here to volunteer. Be sure to let me know if you are going, I may see you there!