Gotta love the Y

My Monday training takes me to the YMCA in the Presidio where I’m in a 45-minute weight training class followed by a 45-minute step-aerobics class. I was taking both classes prior to signing up for the hike, but I can already see a difference in strength, especially in my legs. I’ve moved up a pound on the free weights in the last few weeks (ok, so I’m only using 6-pound weights, but that’s good for me!) and up three pounds on the body bar to 12 pounds.

Amazingly after Saturday’s hike I wasn’t sore, but I’m pretty sure my arms will be aching tomorrow from today’s classes. I’m looking forward to tomorrow – my one rest day of the week.

Fundraising update: I’m now about one-third of the way to my goal. Not bad. But I still have a long way to go before April 15. Keep up to date on where I am with my fundraising at I may have to get creative on how to reach that final number, so if anyone has ideas, let me know…